MiCropBiomes Collaborative Glossary Initiative
Dear colleague,
MiCropBiomes COST Action WG3 members are launching a collaborative glossary initiative on microbiomes and plant-microorganism interactions at the first annual conference in Porto in two weeks.
Your support to this initiative is very important and starts with helping to collect terms for this glossary.
Please review this initial list of terms and add any terms that are missing from our initial collection by Monday, September 9 18:00 CET, using the following form: https://forms.gle/SVpBqvMRi9TJfiJEA
If you are interested in actively participating in the next steps of this collaborative glossary, please express your interest by sending a short email to Juraj Medo juraj.medo@uniag.sk with CC to Joël F. Pothier joel.pothier@zhaw.ch and Renata Artimová artimova@ife.sk.
Thank you for your active participation in this initiative and see you in Porto or soon on our online channels to discover the next steps of our MiCropBiomes Glossary Initiative.
Best regards,
Joël F. Pothier (WG3 Leader), Renata Artimová (WG3 Vice Leader) and Juraj Medo (Glossary Initiative Leader)