Saturday, January 25, 2025

Terminology Task Force Meeting No. 1

On September 26th, 2024, seven members of the MiCropBiomes COST Action from six countries met online for the 1st Meeting of Terminology Task Force of WG3.

The leader of the terminology initiative, Juraj MEDO, presented the work done so far. More than 150 terms were collected using an online questionnaire and the total collection now stands at 620 terms. Some terms seem to be too general and probably do not need to be explained. A new category “General” has also been proposed for a more targeted distribution of terms. There are currently five categories: General, Interactions, Methods, Stress, Applications. Definitions have been generated for all terms using AI – this step will improve the orientation of the terms, it is not intended as a final output. Participants were introduced to the current version of the shared spreadsheet. Due to the large number of terms and their broad scope, it is necessary to divide them and assign them to a group of experts.
A survey of those involved in the terminology initiative was conducted with four questions. This was also sent out to participants who are on the terminology initiative mailing list. 14 participants responded. The survey showed a fairly clear direction and willingness of participants to contribute in the sub-objectives.

List of Participants

Name Role Country
Juraj MEDO MC Member SK
Renata ARTIMOVA WG3 Vice Leader SK
Duška DELIC MC Member BA
Joanna PULAWSKA MC Member PL
Izzah SHAHID WG3 Member ES

The Minutes of the Meeting are available for download: 2024-09-26_Minutes_WG3_online_meeting.