Saturday, January 25, 2025
CallJob opening

Job opening at the University of Bologna for a graduate student or postdoc fellow (position 1)

The Department of Agriculture and Food Sciences (DISTAL) of the University of Bologna is looking for graduate students or postdoc fellow to work on the following project:

Develop IPM guidelines for winter cereals and fruit crop for mitigating pesticide impacts while ensuring sustainable agriculture

The successful candidate will be involved in the following research aspects:

  • Reduce pesticide use in peach orchards by creating an innovative strategy base on the deployment of complementary tools: 1. physical methods to prevent pest and disease and to manipulate environmental conditions (i.e rainproof nets), 2. A precise, timely and automatic application of pesticide, 3. Bio-based, green alternative to pesticides (e.g. biocontrol agents, biostimulants..).
  • Assess the effect of the new strategy on the incidence of the main diseases of peach tree
  • Evaluate the effect of the new strategy on the phytobiota structure and functions

Research involves data analysis, laboratory and field trials. The selected candidate will assist the program leader with all aspects of the planning, implementation and management of the research program and data analysis. The main duties will be collecting and analyzing data, preparing presentations and scientific publications, and, if needed, supervision of students.

Place: Bologna (Italy)
Contract Duration: 12 months (renewable)

More information can be found at

The deadline for application has passed.